Category: Latest News


District Prayer Held in Ward 2

Today the 14th of November 2024, Mayor Cllr. Thobani Shandu led a powerful intervention prayer against social ills and road carnages in our beloved iLembe District.

Reflecting on John F. Kennedy’s words, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” Mayor Shandu called on all of us to unite in prayer and action to combat poverty, unemployment, inequality, substance abuse, Gender-Based Violence, and road safety issues.

Let’s come together, guided by faith and community spirit, to make a positive change. As Hebrews 4:16 reminds us, “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

May God bless our efforts and our district. Together, we can overcome any challenge.

#iLembeDistrict #CommunityPrayer #EndSocialIlls #RoadSafety #FaithInAction #TogetherWeCan

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Umlando Kwembulwa Isikhumbuzo-Mfanekiso weLembe

Umlando Kwembulwa Isikhumbuzo-Mfanekiso weLembe eKING SHAKA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT:

Kwale kancane lime emini bebade  kwelikaMthaniya namhlanje ngenkathi iSifunda saKwaZulu-Natali sibungaza ukwembulwa kwesikhumbuzo-mfanakiso weSilo saKwaDukuza uSigidi Shaka kaSenzangakhona esikhumulweni sezindiza iKing Shaka International Airport.

Ephefumula kulomcimbi uMeya WeSifunda seLembe uKhansela Thobani Shandu uye wathi, “sibonga uhulumeni wentando yeningi ngokusebenzisana neNdlunkulu kaZulu ekuqinisekiseni ukuthi lomsebenzi wokuhlonipha iLembe uba yimpumelelo”.

Lomcimbi ubuholwa wuMongameli Wezwe uMnuz. Cyril Ramaphosa ehambisana neSilo Samabandla iNdlulamithi, uNdunankulu KaZulu uMnuz. Thulasizwe Buthelezi, uNdunankulu WeSifundazwe uMnuz. Thami Ntuli, neziphathimandla zeminyango kahulumeni nomasipala.

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Anti-Fraud & Corruption Awareness

Anti-Fraud & Awareness Campaign

In summary, signing declaration of interest forms is essential for maintaining good governance, preventing conflicts of interest, and promoting transparency and accountability within organizations.

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Shandu Delivers On 2024/2025 Budget Speech Promise to Insource Water Tankers

The mayor of iLembe District Municipality, Cllr. Thobani Shandu accompanied by the Council Speaker (also the SALGA Women’s Commission KZN Provincial Chairperson), Cllr. Dolly Shandu, EXCO Members and Councillors received the first consignment of 11 of the 30 water tankers today that the District Municipality has procured directly in an effort to reduce reliance on contracted services (outsourcing).

The current Council whose tenure began in November 2021, inherited an institution where there was a contract with a private service provider to supply the municipality with a total of 106 vehicles. This included 30 water tankers. In the 2023/2024 financial year, the Council took a decision to insourcing the fleet, where it sought that in two (2) years the entire fleet should be owned by the municipality, as opposed to being leased.

As a start, the municipality procured 65 bakkies from Isuzu which were delivered in December 2023. Today’s addition of 30 water tanks that will all be delivered by the end of October 2024 will bring total of insourced vehicles to 95.

In welcoming the consignment of tankers, Shandu thanked the administration for delivering on the Council decision thereby ensuring that water provision is done responsibly and sustainably “This will save Council funds enormously, the R18 million we had budgeted for the 2024/2025 financial year has been depleted just three (3) months into this financial year, clearly indicated that we could have possibly spent in region R100 million at the end of the financial year.”

“We will still use contract services to plug gaps where there is a dire need, however, it is important to note that the monies that the District Municipality will be saving now that the decision to insource is being implemented will be reinvested into service delivery projects that will ensure water is delivered through yard connections for every household in the iLembe District.” Concluded Shandu.

The thirty (30) 16,000 Water Tankers have been procured at a once-off cost in the region of R95,3 million including VAT.

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Summer Preparedness Training for Mandeni Disaster Volunteers

In preparation for the summer season, iLembe District Disaster Centre and the Provincial Disaster Management Centre conducted a refresher training program for disaster volunteers, made up of selected ward committee members, community development workers and other relevant members of the community.

The program took place at Sibusisiwe Hall and was well attended by internal and external role-players, as well as Councillors. Various presentations shared include filling of damage assessment forms, introduction to disaster management and volunteerism, integrated institutional mechanisms and other disaster management legislative matters.

According to the District Disaster Manager Sifiso Ngubane the role volunteers play is vital because it doesn’t start only when disasters strike, but during ongoing prevention and mitigation programs. “It is also your responsibility to help with identifying and profiling risks in your areas or wards, while analyzing vulnerabilities in the community, championing community awareness and educational campaigns and assisting in developing and reviewing disaster management and contingency plans, as well as providing early warning mechanisms to the community,” said Ngubane.

Provincial Disaster Management Centre representative Bheki Phungula outlined the roles and responsibilities for the three spheres of government in disaster management and fire services as well as the protocol to be followed when disaster occurs, including how to fill the disaster management assessment form. “It is important that we all understand our roles and responsibilities to ensure that relief is coordinated early, and the lives of the people affected is able to go back to some level of normality, as soon as possible,” said Phungula.

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Iyabonakala Imisebenzi Yokufakelwa Kwamanzi eNdwedwe

Umasipala wesiFunda iLembe uholwa uMeya, Khansela Thobani Shandu uyaqhubeka nokwenza umsebenzi wokufakwa kwamanzi eNdwedwe.

INdwedwe ingezinye zezindawo ezingenawo amanzi empompini kodwa eziwathola ngamaloli amanzi. Ngonyaka owedlule umasipala wesiFunda iLembe wethula umsebenzi wokufakwa kwamanzi eNdwedwe obizwa ngo – UMshwathi Bulk Water Supply Scheme ozodla izigidi zama Randi.

Lomsebenzi uzokuba izikhawu eziningana ngenxa yobukhulu bomsebenzi. Ezinye zezindawo ezizohlumula inxenye eningi yase Ndwedwe ( Nondabula, Bhamshela Town, Ireland, Hlathikhulu, Gobinsimbi, Echibini, Newspaper, Gqolweni, Kho, Ngcongangconga, Nsuze Dalibho, Gcwensa, Msengeni, Onyazini, Mary Gray, ESidumbini, Kwathayela, Luthuli kanye naseBhidakhona).

Umsebenzi uyaqhubeka izinkontilika zikhona ziyasebenza.

Kunxenxwa umphakathi ukuba ubambisane futhi uyivikele inqalasizinda kamasipala.

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International Family Day Launch

iLembe District has played host to the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Social Development (KZN DSD) International Day for Families.

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Zidlana Imilala KwaNcedomhlophe, ILembe Mayoral Cup

Mandeni: Ziyashukana kuMayoral Cup enkundleni yezemidlalo yaKwaNcedomhlophe eMandeni. Kungokokuqala ngqa ukuba uMkhandlu weSifunda seLembe ube nalendebe engumantuntanendishi. Lemidlalo iqalise ekuseni ngomjaho ongu-5km nongu-10km obuzungeza emalokishini kanti ngaphezu kwelikanobhutshuzwayo kuphinde kube khona nebhola lomnqakiswano lamantombazane nelabesilisa.

See gallery…

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Mandeni Water Woes Nearing End

The Mayor and Speaker of ILembe District Municipality today were both witnesses as one of the long-awaited diesel generators arrived at Sundumbili Water Works in Mandeni.

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Uhambe Kahle Umkhuleko WoKhetho

Namhlanje zingu 18 May 2024, eHholo laseMasiphile kwaMaphumulo, uMasipala wesiFunda iLembe ngokubambisana noMasipala wakwaMaphumulo babambe umkhuleko wokuthula ngosuku lokhetho oluzoba mhlazingu – 29 May 2024.
Umkhuleko ububanjelwe ewadi 6 kwaMaphumulo lapho ebekumenywe khona zonke izinhlaka zomphakathi kanye nezenkolo ezahlukahlukene.

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