
Experience the Magic of iLembe District This Festive Season

The iLembe District is ready to host  tourists this festive season. making sure that the Experience is Magical 🌟
This holiday season, iLembe promises an unforgettable getaway filled with sun, culture, and adventure. Whether you’re longing to unwind on our pristine beaches, delve into the rich Zulu heritage, or embark on adrenaline-pumping activities, iLembe has something for everyone.
Explore iconic attractions like the King Shaka Memorial, indulge in world-class hospitality at our luxurious beachfront hotels, and embrace the lively spirit of our vibrant local markets.
Ensuring every visitor’s safety remains our top priority. A comprehensive festive season safety plan is in place, allowing everyone to enjoy their stay with peace of mind.
Join the celebration and discover why iLembe District is the ultimate festive season destination.

His Worship, Mayor Councillor TP Shandu, delivered a warm and inspiring welcome during the launch event, emphasizing the district’s commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for both residents and visitors during the festive season.
Mayor Shandu highlighted the district’s rich tapestry of African culture, natural beauty, and diverse tourism offerings, inviting everyone to explore and celebrate the unique experiences that Ilembe has to offer.
The campaign underscores the importance of safety and collaboration, encouraging communities, businesses, and tourists to work together to ensure an enjoyable and incident-free festive period.
As a region steeped in African heritage and hospitality, Ilembe District stands ready to welcome all who seek to create memorable holiday experiences.

#iLembeFestiveSeason #Tourism #Travel #KwaZuluNatal #ExploreiLembe #KZNHasItAll #ZuluKingdom

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iLembe Shines at SALGA 2024

Maintaining the same rank as the previous year, iLembe District clinched the 5th position, bagging 26 medals in total. The three-day games were hosted by eThekwini Metro and were contested by a total of 10 municipalities.

With the final tally said, iLembe scooped 6 gold medals for karate, 12 silvers for tennis and chess, and 8 bronze medals for football (females).

The mayor of iLembe District Municipality, Cllr Thobani Shandu was elated with the outcomes, “We’re very excited with the performance of all our teams and surely all athletes enjoyed themselves greatly; also, credit goes to the coaches and team managers. We would also like to appreciate the parents for their cooperation as well as our staff members for all the effort they exerted in these games.”

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Cllr T.P Shandu

His Worship the mayor of iLembe District Municipality delivering keynote address during the ILembe District Municipality IDP and SOD turning at Mandeni, Macambini, 19 Novevmber 2024.

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Ukuswela Amanzi eMandeni Sekuwumlando

Mhla zingu 19 November 2024, uMeya woMkhandlu wesiFunda iLembe uKhansela Thobani Shandu kanye nesigungu sakhe bahambela eMacambini eMulti-purpose Centre kuWadi 9 waseMandeni ukuyohlaba isoyi lomsebenzi wamanzi ezohlomulisa imizi elinganiselwe kumakhulu amane (400) ngokuxhunyelwa ompompi emagcekeni.

Lomhlangano wawuhlanganisa nohlelo lweNtuthuko eDidiyelwe (IDP)kanyaka mali ka 2024/2025 kamasipala iLembe kanye noMkhandlu waseMandeni ngokuholwa wuMeya, Khansela Thabani Mdlalose kanye namaKhansela omkhandlu.

Kwabanye ababehambele lomhlangano, iNkosi yeSizwe saseMacambini ihambisana noMkhandlu wayo, wosonkontileka bendawo kanye nezinkumbi zabantu abasuka emawadini amahlanu.

Lomsebenzi wamanzi ohlatshelwe isoyi nguMeya, Khansela Thobani Shandu uzodla izigidi ezingaphezulu kuka R47 million. Kulendeleke ukuthi kufakelwe umphakathi amanzi kuma wadi amabili okuwu wadi 3 kanye no 9 okwamanje, ngokuhamba kwesikhathi kuzogcina kuthola kanye nowadi 6,7 kanye no 8.

Lo msebenzi kulendeleke ukuthi uthathe unyaka ngoba uzoqala ngoba kuwu November 2024 uphele ngo nyaka ozayo November 2025. Lomsebenzi kuzofakwa ipayipi elikhulu bese kufakelwa abantu amanzi emzini yabo. Lephrojekthi kulindeleke ukuthi yakhe amathuba lomsebenzi kubahlali, iphinde ihlomulise nosomabhizinisi abancane bendawo.

Ethula inkulumo, uMeya uShandu ukhumbuze amakhansela ukuthi akhe uhlu lwaleyomizi ezithola ingabaliwe kulabo abahlomulayo ngamanzi kanye nangezindlu zangasese.
UShandu uvale ngokuthi “Njengengxenye yalomshikashika sibhizi sifaka ama-boreholes kumaWadi lapho kushoda khona amanzi; okunye esesikwenzile wukuthenga amaloli athwala amanzi angamashumi amathathu (30), nokuchaza ukuthi iwadi newadi yalapha eMandeni ineloli lamananzi,” kuphetha uShandu.

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