Mandeni Water Woes Nearing End
Sundumbili: The Mayor and Speaker of ILembe District Municipality today were both witnesses as one of the long-awaited diesel generators arrived at Sundumbili Water Works in Mandeni. This 3-phase diesel generator is the first of the two that will serve as back-up to ameliorate intermittent power supplies.
there’ve been noticeable local economic spinoffs with this project…
Expressing his elation Mayor Shandu said, “The delivery and installation of this generator puts paid to the commitment we made to our people at the beginning of this year when we said that by end of May we would have ensured reliable water provision to the people of Mandeni.
This generator is the smallest of the two; it is dedicated to the two 90kW pumps; in a few days, we will be here to receive the second and bigger one. Meanwhile, there’ve been noticeable local economic spinoffs with this project; 5 labourers were employed and three SMMEs benefitted,” concluded Mayor Shandu.