Uhambe Kahle Umkhuleko WoKhetho
Possible Water Interruption KwaDukuza
iLembe District Engineers Capacitated
Today the 16th of May 2024, at eBandla Hotel, iLembe District Municipality and Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) hold joint consultation engagement session on the professional isation of the local government.
The central ideas of the session are to capacitate engineering practioners to be relevant to the modern standard of ECSA and assist municipalities to identify engineering skills need.
The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) is a statutory body established in terms of the Engineering Profession Act (EPA), 46 of 2000. The ECSA’s primary role is the regulation of the engineering profession in terms of this Act. Its core functions are the accreditation of engineering programmes, registration of persons as professionals in specified categories, and the regulation of the practice of registered persons.
Importance of registration as it is a requirement in terms of Engineering Professions Act
In attendance were senior officials from iLembe District Municipality, Ms C Mbola, MISA Energy Specialist – Mr M Msibi, JG Africa Technical Director – Dr. J Pilusa, Umgeni Maintenance Engineer – Mr M Nkonyane, ECSA Manager Regulator Instruments – Ms N Mtshali, CETA Manager Strategic Partnership & Projects – Ms K Maimela.
Opening remarks were made by the iLembe District Municipality Technical Services Senior Manager, Ms Cingisa Mbola “Highlighting the importance of embracing the concept of “Identitication of Engineering work”. For engineering practioners and registered persons to be effective and protect the space. Emphasizing on engineering practioners to be qualified and suitable for the job. Also to encourage safe and sustainable environment while remain accountable.
Remarks by the ECSA Manager Regulator Instrument, Ms N Mtshali highlited on ” Importance of registration as it is a requirement in terms of Engineering Professions Act. Also spoken about the process of registration and existing paths and categories and minimum competency requirements. Also mentioned that this IDoEW has been gazzetted and in future engineeing practioners will not be allowed to practice in the engineering fraternity without being registered.
The session was accompanied by numerous presentations from different engineering fraternity ;Roles of Professional Engineers, Mentor-Mentes Connected Program, Identification of Engineering Work and Candidacy Support program.
Delivering the acknowledgements and vote of thanks iLembe District Municipality Human Resource Manager, Ntokozo Nzuza appreciatiated all partners and guest who participated. He further emphasised good conduct and self development in all local government officials.
Residents increasingly get water, Maphumulo IDP trail
VUKILE: The majority of residents of Maphumulo have welcomed the progress being made by the district municipality in providing the water-scarce area with water and sanitation. This was evident during an IDP meeting held by the District Municipality alongside the local Municipality in which scores of locals took to the podium in turns expressing appreciation for the increased access to water.
Responding to complaints about operational glitches the Mayor of iLembe District Municipality, Cllr. Thobani Shandu, took a swipe at those elements who were allegedly exploiting the water tanker services for ulterior ends. “Water is life, and therefore whosoever is taking advantage of water tankers is interfering with a basic right. I am pleading with Councillors, Ward Committees and Traditional leaders to work with us in ensuring that our people get services.”
Shandu also encouraged young people to take advantage of opportunities available in the District Municipality by approaching the municipalityâs Department of Youth, Sports, Art and Culture and Enterprise iLembe. “It is very dispiriting to learn that last year, of the only 6 young people who applied for the KwaZulu-Natal Youth Fund, only three youth-owned businesses managed to submit applications that meet the requirements,” concluded the District Mayor.
Isaziso Somphakathi
Kumenywa wonke umphakathi owakhele indawo yakwaMaphumulo emhlanganweni weNtuthuko eDidiyelwe ehlelwe umasipala iLembe kanye nomasipala wakwaMaphumulo.

Mayor Shandu welcomes announcement by MEC for EDTEA
Mayor Shandu welcomes announcement by MEC for EDTEA at his Department’s Outreach Programme held at Emakhempini in Mandeni.
In a affort to uplift and to revive local economic development and growth, the KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Economic Development, Tourism, and Environmental Affairs, Mr. Siboniso Duma stewarded an Outreach Programme at Emakhempini area in the locality of KwaSithebe under the iLembe District Municipality Municipality in Mandeni, Ward 18.
Emakhempini holds historical significance as it is the place where Former President Nelson Mandela participated in the mass funeral of nine compatriots who were murdered in cold blood almost on the 20th of May in 1995.
The programme dealt with consumer education issues, presentations from EDTEA entities and various crucial topics aimed at addressing and improving socio-economic challenges and improving the quality of life for the iLembe District and her children. An astounding highlights was the MEC’s announcement that the department had concluded negotiations and consultation that will see the fruition in the coming months with The Foschini Group (TFG) set to open ten (10) factories in the Isithebe business precinct.
iLembe District Mayor Leads Draft 2024/2025 IDP/Budget Roadshow
SNAMFINI: iLembe District Municipality Office Bearers led by the Mayor, Cllr. Thobani Shandu, descended to the Snamfini Sportsfiled to present iLembe District Municipalityâs Draft IDP/BUDGET for the 2024/2025 financial year. This roadshow was held in collaboration with the Maphumulo Local Municipality led by the Mayor, Cllr. Zibuyile Khuzwayo-Dlamini.
…each of these wards amongst other wards in the District would benefit from receiving 750 VIP toilets
Mayor Shandu used the occasion to present the District Municipalityâs proposed R1,5 billion budget and R388 million capital budget to more than 1000 people from the communities of Ward 04, 07, 08, 09, 11 and 12, which was welcomed overwhelmingly.
During his address, the District Mayor highlighted that Wards 07 and 12 will benefit from the R10 million MIG-funded VIP Sanitation Project, where each of these wards amongst other wards in the District would benefit from receiving 750 VIP toilets. This project is currently under construction and is at 60% towards completion and will be completed in the 2024/2025 financial year.
Shandu informed the scores in attendance that, the municipality had begun tender process for drilling of boreholes…
Shandu added that Wards 04, 07, 08, 09 and 11 will benefit from the R245 million MIG funded Upgrade of the Mvutshane Water Works, whose capacity will be increased by an additional 6 million litres. This project is currently under construction and is at 25% towards completion and will be completed in the 2025/2026 financial year
Taking stock of challenges being faced with regards to provision and access to water supply, Shandu informed the scores in attendance that, the municipality had begun tender process for drilling of boreholes. Through this project Ward 04 gets four (4) new boreholes, Ward 07 gets two (2) new boreholes, Ward 08 gets one (1) new borehole, Ward 09 gets one (1) new borehole, Ward 11 gets four (4) new borehole and Ward 12 gets one (1) new borehole.
Shandu added that Ward 07, was in the UMshwati project route, once the project is completed in Ndwedwe Municipality the pipeline will traverse through Ward 07, where even a reservoir will be built.
ILembe Liya Ebantwini
Seloku buqhubeke njalo ubuholi boMkhandlu weLembe nemizamo yokuqinisa amaxhama okuxhumana nemiphakathi kusona sonke lesifunda.
Kuloku uMeya uKhansela Thobani Shandu uhole ithimba lakhe ukuyohlola inqubekelaphambili yeNgcebo Water Works Plant emhlanganweni wohlelo lwentuthuko edidiyelwe ngokusebenzisana noMasipala waKwaMaphumulo.
Lomhlangano, obubanjelwe ebaleni eliseduze nesikole iHlangabeza ekhona kwaWadi 2 ubuhlanganise amaWadi amathathu, okungowadi 1, 2 no-3.
“Ngenyanga edlule bengilapha ukuzokhuza umhlola wokuzixhumela kwabantu kwingqalasizinda nokwenza ukuthi umthamu wamanzi ungafinyeleli kuzozonke izikhamizi,” kusho uMeya uShandu.
Umkhandlu wesiFunda iLembe usebenzise imali engango-R8 million ukunyusa umthamo weNgcebo Water Walks kusukela ku -1,6 megaliters kuya ku-4 megaliters, nokufaka ukulungiswa kweziphehlamanzi ezindala nokufakwa kwezimbili ezintsha kanye nokunye. Kuyimanje loMasipala weSufunda umatasa ukhipha lawomapayipi ayexhunywe ngokungekho emthethweni uphinde futhi ulungise namapayipi awo umkhandlu asemadala ukuze wonke umuntu owakhele lamawadi amathathu kube ukuthi uyawathola amanzi ngendlela efanelekile.
Kulomhlangano obekuphume kuwo nesinedolo nokubalwa neNkosi uCele yesizwe saKwaCele eMphise nayo ephinde yahamba ngohologo yakhuza izenzo zabazibhobozela bona ipayipi ngobubi abakwenzayo nokubuyisela uhlelo iNgcebo emuva.